
  • Portable: With resealable airtight packaging, bite-sized portions, and a shelf life of up to 6 months, (P)rinds are easy to carry, store, and eat on the go.
  • Prepared for Variety: The product can be enjoyed as-is, on a charcuterie board, or tossed onto a soup/salad as a tastier, guilt-free crouton.
  • Cost-effective: Unlike most other "healthy" snack options, which tend to be prohibitively expensive, (P)rind is made affordable by using a production waste product.
  • Leveraging a natural chemical reaction: Parmigiano Reggiano already has the highest protein content of any cheese, but the oxidizing that occurs over the 12-month aging process boosts the protein content an extra 15%. At (P)rind, we have learned that there is immense power in looking to naturally occurring 'hacks' that remove the need for artificial ingredients.
  • Sustainability: An estimated 28,000,000 pounds of parmesan rinds are discarded each year. The production of one wheel of Parmigiano Reggiano is associated with approximately 5.71 kg of methane emissions. 10% of the contents of these wheels are thrown away. Food waste is already a major problem in the United States with 30-40% of food being thrown away. By helping educate the public perception around Parmigiano rinds as a nutrient-dense superfood, we combat two imminent issues at the same time.
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  • High-Quality Protein Source: Contains approximately 33% protein, including all essential amino acids in a highly bioavailable form. Provides 9g of protein per ounce, which is 2g more than beef. Ideal for athletes and those who need an immediate infusion of proteins; Parmigiano is already used by many, including the Italian men's national team, to refuel after training.
  • Healthy Lipid Profile: Parmigiano rinds contain beneficial fatty acids such as butyric acid, CLA, trans-palmitoleic acid, and possibly phytanic acid. These fats help improve body composition by reducing body fat, preventing fat accumulation, and supporting metabolic health, all of which are directly associated with a lower incidence of diabetes.
  • Digestibility: 100 grams of Parmigiano-Reggiano are digested on average in 45 minutes, unlike the 3 – 4 hours necessary for a similar portion of meat. This makes Parmigiano rinds ideal for athletes and individuals needing an immediate infusion of proteins.
  • Vitamin-Rich: A serving of Parmigiano rinds provides a complete daily requirement of vitamin B12 and biotin, a third of vitamin A and B2 needs, while also contributing significant amounts of essential vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron, copper, manganese, and vitamin B6.
  • Rich in Macrominerals and Selenium: Parmigiano is packed with micro minerals like calcium, phosphorus, sodium, and zinc, which support bone health and help prevent osteoporosis. A typical serving of Parmigiano rinds also delivers 19.5% of the daily selenium requirement, which supports immune function, antioxidative protection, and normal thyroid function.
  • Functional Food for Glucose Management: Consuming Parmigiano rinds can exert a hypoglycemic effect, improving insulin secretion and glucose tolerance in both healthy and diabetic individuals, making it a suitable snack for prediabetic or glucose-sensitive consumers.
  • Rich in Calcium: Contains 321 mg of calcium per ounce, nearly 10 times more than milk, which is essential for bone health and prevention of osteoporosis.